The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2388340
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jul-08 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
I don't need a leader, Ruth. ;-) I subscribe to Dylan's suggestion: "don't follow leaders"
I merely find much of what David Icke says to be very interesting, that's all. That doesn't mean I "espouse" everything he says.
I don't buy the "lizard" thing in any literal sense, and I think he may be completely wrong about that. On the other hand, it may be an analogy for a number of things, such as: a person's state of consciousness, the areas of the human brain that one's consciousness is primarily working through, etc. The reptilian levels of primitive consciousness are still found embodied in the lower are the other primitive levels of consciousness that are way back there in our lengthy evolutionary inheritance. If you think primarily through those lower centres in the brain, then you would think like a reptile: strong territoriality instinct, lack of emotional empathy, coldness, violence as a solution, ruthless competition with others, predatory nature, etc...
There are individuals who think primarily within those primitive patterns, and they are potentially quite dangerous people.
If you had studied some stuff about the "third eye" or the pituitary, and how people can see differently through activating the third eye (a concept well known in esoteric spiritual disciplines that have been undertaken and known in the East for thousands of years by a small number of adepts) then it might shed further light on what Icke is talking about in that regard. Some natural and synthetic drugs will temporarily unlock that third eye capability, by the way, but it's risky to fool around with such stuff. It can cause mental and emotional damage if not handled right. In other words...he is not talking about beings that physically transform, in my opinion...he is talking about a shift in consciousness. (most probably)
If you don't know about any of that and aren't inclined to bother, then you won't even consider it, right?
As for the "son of God" bit....stigweard...what most people seem to be failing to grasp is that David Icke was not setting himself apart in any way when he said that, because he sees ALL of us as the sons and daughters of God in a completely equal sense.
And so do I. And so did Jesus. But his (Jesus') followers chose to make him "special" and set him apart as the one and only exclusive Son of God. That was their error, and it is the error that followers usually make.
So don't be a follower. BE that son of God yourself and recognize that everyone else is too. Then you will truly value and respect other people. That is what has been called "enlightenment" in the greater spiritual traditions of the East. That is what Icke was saying.
It was other people who chose to interpret it as a statement of individually divine exclusivity on his part...perhaps because they are themselves accustomed to thinking only in exclusive terms.
Either we are all the Sons of God...or no one is. That's my position on it. That's also Icke's position, according to what I've heard him say.
I've watched a good many of his videos, and read some of the books. Interesting. I don't "follow" him or anyone else either, but I like a lot of what he says.