The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704   Message #2388991
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jul-08 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
Stigweard - "I am not a son of anyone's God."

You may be misunderstanding what I mean by the term "God" then, stigweard. Are you a son of life itself? I think you are. I think we all are. Get it? We're all equal in that sense, and life itself IS sacred, and it is the common origin of all of us.

God (Allah, Brahman, Tao, Wakan Tanka, etc), in my opinion, are all various cultural metaphors for that which is the origin of all of us: life itself. Existence itself. The Universe itself. You don't have to belong to any organized religion to get that.

Icke is no sacred cow, he's just a man who says some stuff that is worth listening to...and he, as a matter of fact, attacks much more popular, powerful, and common sacred cows of every variety all the time, so you ought to really like him, I think.


"A broken clock only tells the right time twice a day." Uh-huh, but you might notice that David Icke is accurate considerably more often than twice a day... ;-)


"you don't have to treat them as humans anymore"

Icke strongly recommends treating everyone as you yourself would wish to be treated...with kindness, non-violence, and compassion. Apply the Golden Rule. He does not recommend bowing down and letting others dominate you or push you around, however, neither does he recommend doing any harm to those who attempt to do that in society. He just recommends firmly saying "no" when they do attempt it.