The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2389269
Posted By: Bee
14-Jul-08 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
"Icke strongly recommends treating everyone as you yourself would wish to be treated...with kindness, non-violence, and compassion. Apply the Golden Rule. He does not recommend bowing down and letting others dominate you or push you around, however, neither does he recommend doing any harm to those who attempt to do that in society. He just recommends firmly saying "no" when they do attempt it. " - LH
Little Hawk. If you are face to face with a being that outwardly appears to be human, but whom you truly believe is really an evil alien lizard usurper, then it is almost a certainty that you will not be able to respond to them in the same manner as you would a being you accept to be a real human. You might certainly be able to act as if you thought they were human, but this would mean you are trying to deceive the being, therefore not practicing Golden Rulish behaviour toward them. And if you are mistaken, and it is a real human you face, then you are doing them a grievous wrong by treating them deceitfully while believing them to be a lizard.
Of course, you could always tell the person to their face that they are in fact a scaly shape-shifting lizard, and attempt a conversation on that basis, but I suspect you would then have burnt your bridges regardless of the humanity or lizardliness of the individual.