The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112266   Message #2389372
Posted By: sian, west wales
15-Jul-08 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Welsh songs mystery
Subject: RE: Welsh songs mystery
No, the email definitely refers to the Kookabura song; I received it myself a couple of years ago, and Dr Meredydd Evans contacted me more recently because he's received it as well. I've been told that it's got something to do with a law suit in Australia ... which is the point where I back off. Don't want to get entangled in anything like that.

There are a great many references to blackbirds, and other birds, in Welsh folk verses and songs. Apparently there is even a traceable history of the actual bird changing over the centuries. Susi George was researching this before she passed away; she told me that blackbirds were relative newcomers to love songs, and then went on to talk about older songs with magpies, owls, etc. She was working on an album of this material when she left us. (((sigh)))
