The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2389458
Posted By: Stu
15-Jul-08 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
"We're all equal in that sense, and life itself IS sacred, and it is the common origin of all of us."
Agreed - I live my life by this rationale, but you talk of Jesus etc made it seem you were talking about the Hebrew/Muslim/Christian God - which is fine, but not my personal belief system.
As for Icke, my opinion is he's one of these people that can tap into the general unease felt at any time in history. It's a clever trick and let's not forget the man is making a living from propounding his theories in books, the internet and stage shows etc - he has a vested interest in keeping his profile high and his theories on a rolling boil.
In some ways, he has a point as it's not difficult to see that since the Industrial Revolution we've been on a slow downward slope as a race and the ability to disseminate information quickly and to a worldwide audience has shifted the emphasis from mainstream viewpoints being considered the norm (which they still are in the majority of the population) to fundamentalist and extremist opinions gaining credence as their proponents exploit this new-found freedom to reach wider audience, and this has a powerful effect on the disillusioned and fearful.
Unfortunately, I don't think we need lizard men or whatever to explain our current problems. Apply Occam's Razor to the question and see what the simplest answer is:
Is the earth being taken over by greedy, self-interested (mainly white but that's changing slowly) people who only care about their businesses and making us consumers, who wish to ensure unregulated capitalism remains the main economic system despite the harm it causes to the planet and our freedoms.
Have extraterrestrial Lizards travelled from their home planet taken over the human race for 12,000 years and are using the same systems of er, unregulated capitalism to control us and make us all subservient to their needs for their own evil ends (has Icke said what their ultimate aim is?).
I'd prefer the lizards - it might imply there was some hope for our children. As it is, I suspect it's just plain old rotten people.