The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2389742
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jul-08 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
Blair is a fascinating prospect as a reptilian, stigweard! LOL! I'm saying that strictly in a humorous vein...but then, you never know, do you?
Wolfgang, it looks to me from reading David Icke's books that he is not anti-semitic at all...but he is certainly opposed to the activities of the current political movement known as Zionism. And so are more than a few Jews. I know a professional lady in this town, a Jew, and she is strenuously opposed to Zionism, and she's also a big fan of David Icke. And she's extremely proud of being Jewish and celebrates her Jewish heritage.
So everyone doesn't interpret it all the same way, do they? They interpret it as they want to. It's amazing how people's minds can wrap themselves around any proposition they decide to back, isn't it? For many it is enough simply to hear that someone is presumed to be "anti-semitic". From then on he's damned. It's like calling someone a "witch" back in Salem Massachussetts. Practically everyone believes the accusation from the moment it is uttered, and there's nothing you can do to change their minds. Once a witch, always a witch...the charge of anti-semitism works quite similarly in the present social order, I think.