The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704   Message #2389979
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jul-08 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
"It scares me that there are people who take this crap seriously."

Why does it scare you, Ruth? I don't know of a single human life that's been lost because of anything David Icke ever said...but hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and millions ruined by the conventionally accepted mainstream crap, the false propaganda, that was disseminated by George Bush and Tony Blair on mass media about nonexistent Iraqi WMDs. And that crap was taken seriously by, oh, maybe a hundred million or more people...because they believe what Big Brother tells them!

That is the crap that should really scare you. David Icke is not scary at all. He's an iconoclast, an outrageously outspoken noncomformist, and he does not have the weight of mass media and national armies and military intelligence agencies behind him, and he never will. He represents no real threat to your cozy existence at all. It's the people at the top of this society, the people in governmental and financial institutions, the rulers, who present a real threat to your cozy existence...and to mine...and to that of Third World citizens. They are powerful. They have armies and police and atomic weapons. David Icke is just one man with a very unusual opinion.

"Then again, 3m Americans believe they've been abducted by aliens."

Really? Is that a real statistic? ;-) Hell, I've met maybe 150 or more people by now who think they may have seen an alien vehicle on some occasion, and I have little reason to doubt them, but I haven't met one who claimed to have been adbducted by the aliens. It can't be as common as all that.

But supposing someone had been abducted by aliens? Well, he or she could never expect to get a fair hearing from you on that, right, Ruth? Because you already KNOW that nothing like that has ever happened or could ever happen to anyone on Planet Earth.

How exactly would you know that, Ruth? On what basis?

If it hasn't happened to you yet, does that mean it can't happen to anyone?