The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704   Message #2390150
Posted By: Ruth Archer
15-Jul-08 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
But LH, lots of people have a "belief system", while they can't possibly know for certain whether there is any kind of spiritual realm, or higher power, or afterlife. Belief and certainty are not the same thing.

For the record (again), I also have no belief system, no spirituality, and no real need for one. My life is complicated enough with just the one lifetime to get through... :)

I'm aftraid I really do have doubts about David Icke's sanity. I think there's a difference between thinking something might be true (ie, shape-shifting lizards) and saying you've watched it happen. This is not the same thing as witnessing something which might or might not be a UFO, BTW...I think there's a huge gulf between those two experiences.

Irishenglish, I'm good friends with Graham Chapman's long-time partner. Though I have heard some hair-curling stories, he's never mentioned Ted Heath...