The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2390183
Posted By: Bee
15-Jul-08 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
It seems to me that what Icke does is take a phenomenon that is real and then exaggerate it beyond belief.
Rich and powerful people know each other, and always have. They do business together, their families socialize and intermarry, and they naturally work together to benefit themselves and their friends. You can call that conspiracy if you like, and certainly the rich to a great extent control the world because they can and it is profitable to do so.
The same case could be made for artists. It's a fact that most artists of international influence know each other. It's a fact that almost any artist who is in touch with the art world at all has personally met a few or a lot of these world reknowned figures. It's a fact that famous artists support each other's ventures because they share interests and it is profitable to do so.
Wow! It's an art conspiracy! (And there are certainly less well known and resentful artists who see it that way.)
An intelligent relative of mine had the bad fortune to experience many years of severe mental illness, back when mental illness was poorly understood and badly medicated. I was very close to her in later years, when her illness was reduced enough that she could hold a good job, live precariously on her own, and recognize when she was not thinking sanely. At her worst, in the early 1950s, she believed that bears talked to her and gave her a cub to look after - she kept running away to the woods to find it. She believed many UFOs had come close to the ground and looked at her. She believed there were monsters hiding inside some people who were spying on her and reading her thoughts.
She told me she knew those things were not true, but even as a sane person, her memories of them felt exactly the same as memories of real events.
Maybe David Icke had a neural episode of some kind that resulted in his lizard beliefs.