The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2390193
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jul-08 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
Well, yes, Ruth, most people have what they call a "belief system". That can mean the things that they absolutely beieve...or the things that they prefer to believe...or the things that they have a certain tendency to believe...or the things that they habitually assume to be true but they usually have not managed to prove in any conclusive fashion. Belief systems are very interesting.
I have a certain tendency, for example, to believe in reincarnation and to believe in a soul that survives the body. I don't know it for sure, but I tend to believe it. I didn't get that belief from any specific source or religion....more like I got it from about 10,000 different sources, I guess. It's an assumption that I go on...but I keep in mind the awareness that it is just an assumption on my part, and not a certainty. I consider it likely.
David Icke seems very sure about his lizard people. Nothing short of seeing someone transform into a lizard being before my own eyes would really convince me. I have a friend who claims she saw such a phenomenon occur during a therapy session (she was the therapist, and is a trained professional...she saw the client's face and eyes change dramatically, in that the eyes became 'not human'...the client made a death threat to her at that time...she remained calm and was able to defuse what appeared to be a very tense situation and the client's appearance became normal again). However, one such professional witness is not enough to do it for me when it comes to this one. If I personally knew several reasonably reliable and trustworthy people who'd had such an experience (or said they did), then I'd begin to give it some pretty serious credence. But I still wouldn't know for sure unless I saw it myself.