The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704 Message #2390360
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-08 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
Carol, I think it would be all the usual kind of issues that would send anyone else to see a therapist. From what I know about Icke's concept of "lizard people", I think that most of them would not even be consciously aware in any way that they were any different from other people. They wouldn't even know they were lizard people, in other words. They would just be people who thought in certain low frequency patterns such as: lacking empathy or compassion for others, being very materialistic and territorial, being very attached to ritual and outer forms, being obsessed with rules, resorting easily to violence to solve problems, being self-centred and ruthless, etc...
Goodness knows, there are plenty of such people around aren't there? It may be that some of them are thinking in a low kind of a mental vibe that is comparable to thinking from the lower brain stem...our reptilian inheritance. And that may be all there really is to the "lizard people" thing. Icke may have had a partial opening of the third eye (pituitary center) and the transformations he or others see may be a third eye image of the person's consciousness shifting...not a physical bodily change.
That being the case, they would not be running the world in any kind of conscious conspiracy, but simply doing what comes naturally to them.
And that's what I figure is happening in the world. The negative forces in the world are not, in my opinion, a giant, well planned conspiracy...they are just a large number of aggressive-minded people operating at a rather low vibe and doing exactly what comes naturally to them. It can appear like a conspiracy, but it's really just more a form of collective instinctive behaviour, in my opinion. And thereby..."the scum rises to the top"...meaning, the most ruthless and materialistic and competitive individuals are generally rather good at rising high in hierarchical systems of power. It has ever been so.