The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704   Message #2391065
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-08 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
For sure, Bee. ;-) Lizards and reptiles are not innately or consciously evil at all. They are simply very pragmatic and they act on an instinctive basis. What they do is not "evil", certainly not by their standards or needs...but it is more primitive and ruthless and self-centered behaviour than most of us would like to see in other human beings, that's all.

When we say that a human being is behaving like a predatory animal, that is not to say that the animals are evil. It's just to say that we are capable of a higher degree of moral or ethical thought, brotherhood, shared feeling, and behaviour than would be bequeathed to us through our ancient genetic animal inheritances. We are capable of forms of altruism and social idealism and artistic sense, etc, that are rarely if ever seen in the animal kingdom.

The flip side of it, though, is that we are also capable of dreaming up and committing atrocities that animals would never dream of....and when we sink to those depths it truly IS evil...because we are not so innocent as the animals are. We can do better than that.

That's why I say we don't need lizard people to create great evils in this world or to blame those evils on...we just need ordinary people who sink to their lowest form of consciousness and behaviour and act like a primitive beast in a human body instead of reaching upward for their best potential and acting on that instead.

I'm not anti-lizard at all. In fact, I have always loved those little creatures since I was a small child. They are quite beautiful, I think. They may sense that I like them, because I have sometimes coaxed small lizards in the tropics into climbing onto my arm or hand. When it's cool in the morning they appreciate the body heat that they can soak up from a person...but they won't come near you if they're scared of you, and they are generally very cautious of people coming near them. Sometimes I was able to win one of them over regardless, by not making any fast movements, and get it to sit on my arm, and I was always delighted when I managed to do that.