The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2391549
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Jul-08 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I do not regard the war in Afghanistan as having been "a war of necessity" at all, Amos. It was a war of choice, and the choice was inappropriate. The war in Afghanistan has not made Americans safer, it has further endangered them.

The nation of Afghanistan did not attack the USA on 911. It did not plan or sponsor or envision such an attack. The attack was planned secretly and sponsored by a small number of non-governmental operatives...conspirators...people who did not represent any sovereign nation or any government. 911 was a criminal act, not an act of war by one sovereign nation against another.

It should have been responded to as a criminal act, not used as justification for a war on the nation and government of Afghanistan.

Let's say a private group of people somewhere in the USA secretly planned to blow up a building in Japan...or Belgium...or Lybia...or wherever...for their own reasons. Let's say they succeeded and killed several thousand people. That would not be a reason for Japan or Belgium or Lybia to declare war on the whole USA! It would be a police matter, because international criminal acts are dealt with by the police, not by the armed forces. 911 was a police matter. A big one. It was no cause for a fullscale war against any other nation.

As such, it was an unprovoked and illegal war in my opinion, and it remains an illegal war to this day.