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Thread #112808   Message #2391729
Posted By: Amos
17-Jul-08 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
The Taliban hosted Al Queda during its formative years under bin Laden, after the Russians left Afghanistan; prior to that Al Queda, in a sort of amorphous form, was nurtured by the CIA in an effort to make Afghanistan into "the USSR's Vietnam".

The Taliban shielded Osama bin Laden during the first few weeks after 9-11, first pretending he was not in country and then woffling about turning him over, playing a very narrow, duplicitous role during that period.

In doing so they brought down upon themselves the wrath of the Bush Administration and, thereby, the US military supporting the anti-Taliban northern Alliance.

SInce then, according to what I have read, they have regrouped in the hard remote hill country and are continuing to promote harsh Sharia culture of the most extreme sort, muster recruits against the US in Iraq and provide al Qeda with support and cover.

I don't know these for facts, but they seem to be the pattern.

Anyone have any better data? I am open for education.