The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112597   Message #2392132
Posted By: Nick
18-Jul-08 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Does it matter what music is called?
Subject: RE: Does it matter what music is called?
Nothing can be done about this. It's an impasse. The last 9 days of this thread (like the previous 54+ years) have changed nothing and can't.

You need to find the person who let the word 'folk' get away. It's probably a long time pre-1954. Once you find who it was then you can start to unravel it and get it back.

It was damaged and confused when I came to it (I'm 54) so it must be you 70+ year old people who must have messed it up or the 90+ lot or... - so who is going to take the responsiblity?

You are the people who would like it back but also the people who let it get away and I don't understand how you can have it both ways. In a lot of these discussions you are also the people who are not involved in 'it' any more as 'it' isn't what 'it' was and you have no control over 'it' anymore (whatever 'it' is or was).

Surely it must be YOUR responsibility rather than ours as - umless you are into EST (Werner Erhard bless his soul) - responsibilities tend to go up generations not down.

You can't blame the youth of today for the sins of the fathers/mothers/grandparents etc because it is our/your fault isn't it?