The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112655   Message #2392364
Posted By: Azizi
18-Jul-08 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Songs That Mention Canadian Places
Subject: RE: Songs That Mention Canadian Places
Coffee with thumb, which song is that verse from?*

Thanks for posting that song along with your comment about the possible reason why Willie and Annie parted. As to your guess about the relationship between them being interracial, I suppose that's possible [it certainly is more possible nowadays]. But unless the lyrics point to that theory, how would anyone know?

*I was taught that it's not "good English" to end a sentence with a preposition. But writing it without the preposition at the end looks too contrived for me. {Ha! I was also taught that sentences should never start with "And" or "But". You see how well I follow those instructions!}