The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112840   Message #2392463
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Jul-08 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: While the Band Is Playing Dixie (J Hortiz
Subject: ADD Version: While the Band is Playing Dixie
OK, one more. This is from the Bear Family CD titled Sara & Maybelle Carter (1991), a reissue of a cut recorded June 16, 1966; released on the Columbia label on an album titled An Historic Reunion: Sara and Maybelle The Original Carters. You'll see that it is very close to the Red Clay Ramblers version (or vice-versa).

[I'm Humming Home Sweet Home]

(Joseph F. Hortiz, 1900)

It was on a day when soldiers wrote a line to those they loved
To mothers, wives and sweethearts far away
When a fair haired boy sat dreaming of a far-off southern town
Of a dark-eyed maid who's waiting day by day

On that night when all were sleeping came the bugle call to arms
With flashing eyes they plunged into the fray
And among the first to give his life all for the flag he loved
Was the boy who dreamed of Dixie far away


They found within his pocket, a bloodstained little note
A bullet hole had pierced it through and through
It began with "Darlin' Mary, if I don't come back again
Just remember that my last thoughts were of you


(also transcribed by Joe Offer)