The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112212   Message #2393010
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Radford
19-Jul-08 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: Scarborough seafest july18_20 2008
Subject: MAYDAY TUGS OF WAR at Scarborough seafest
MAYDAY - TUGS OF WAR showing at 2pm Sunday 20 July in Sea Cadets' Hall

This award-winning documentary film not only has a couple of great songs (including one about my first trip to sea in 1944 which won the SeaFest Song for the Sea competition last year) but tells the story of the wartime Rescue Tugs and the ships and men who saved thousands of lives and millions of tons of shipping during WWII, as well as building the Mulberry Harbours in Normandy. Anyone with an interest in maritime history should come along at 2.00pm on Sunday to see it.