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Thread #112808   Message #2393188
Posted By: Teribus
19-Jul-08 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Hey Ron, care to take us through exactly how Petraeus reached out to the Sunni's?? If what you say is true you must have quite a comprehensive list.

Up until the point that they realised themselves that supporting the insurgents was counter to their best interests. The Sunni Arab population has always realised that the Iraqi Government have always treated them as, "just Iraqi citizens". The change Ron old son came from the Sunni Arab elements of Iraqi society, they finally realised that Al-Qaeda and the Ba'athist hold-outs were leading them nowhere, so they joined the political process just as I said they would have to and all of a sudden Al-Qaeda found themselves out in the cold -- Petraeus raching out to the Sunni's my arse.

"2) Al-Sadr has decided that lying low for a while is the best policy. But he and his forces will still be there when the US leaves."

Al-Sadr knows damn well that the Shia Arab population of Iraq will heed the word of Al-Sistani long before they will heed him. Al-Sadr has only once dared to face up to the US forces in Iraq and he came off decidely second best. The wilder elements of the Medhi Army have rucked up and have come in second to both Iraqi and US Forces arrayed against them. So tactician Ron believes that they are laying in wait until the US leaves Iraq, yet discounts for some reason that Iraqi forces have proved loyal to their Government and capable of taking on and defeating Al-Sadr's Medhi Army. Sorry Ron old son time is not on their side.

Al-Sadr stood his private Army down for one reason and one reason only Ron. He knew that if he put it into direct confrontation with the Government of Iraq and the MNF Troops stationed in Iraq, they would lose and lose heavily.

"3)   By far the most significant cause of the improvement in Iraq is the stupid, thug-like Puritanical behavior of Al-Qaeda.   As I've noted quite a few times, Al-Qaeda's insistence on trying to enforce its own brand of Islam by maiming and murder has alienated the only possible support it could have had in Iraq."

Well no shit Sherlock!!! I have been saying that for years, when did you jump onboard?? At one time you were prattling on about US actions in Iraq being Al-Qaeda's best recruiter. What happened to that line of reasoning??

"It's as if the Inquisition had been introduced into Iraq. Consider how popular the Inquisition was with Protestants."

Oh please Ron, for someone who confessed to the fact that you don't read source material and are totally reliant on taking at face value the reported opinions of others, please don't go making historical comparisons about which you know sweet FA.

Yes of course Ron let's consider how popular the Inquisition was with the Protestants - Care to tell us exactly in how many Protestant countries the Inquisition operated? By God you really are a Grade A Fuckin' Idiot

By all means let us, "consider how popular Cromwell's side was after his death". Oh Ron, historian extraordinaire, care to Google up a certain General Monck? Aw fuck it I'll save you the trouble. He was a Cromwellian General and Admiral responsible for keeping Scotland in line. He was also instrumental in organising and negotiating the Resoration of the Stuart Monarchy in 1660. Now let's see how much of Cromwell's system remained after the Restoration shall we Historian Ron?? Parliament - stayed exactly as it had been during Cromwells time, the power of the Monarch was severely restricted. The Army modelled by Cromwell, Fairfax and Halifax remained very much the instrument of the Parliament, not of the King. So much for a total end to Puritanism, by the bye who fed you all this shit - Mel bloody Gibson? Or some other Hollywood Wanker

By the bye Historian Ron in less than thirty years we decided to turf the Stuart Twat out, best thing that ever happened to the country - All done by Parliament of course - you know - the one that you contend was completely overthrown.

"If the US had left immediately after toppling Saddam," There would have been a civil war of gigantic consequence in Iraq and the middle-east would be aflame from end to end. If you are naive enough to believe for one moment that the US would have been loved and admired for their actions in the scenario you described then you are a bigger fool than even I know you to be. True enough anti-US feeling in Iraq would be non-existant mainly due to the fact that Iraq would be non-existant.

"And if al-Qaeda had behaved then as it is behaving now, there would have been absolutely no chance al-Qaeda could take over in Iraq. As there is no chance now. The presence of US soldiers makes absolutely no difference to this. Al-Qaeda is its own worst enemy. And the tiger will not change his stripes."

Hells teeth Ron talk about stating the blindingly obvious!!! But back up a mo Ron. Al-Qaeda are only acting they way that they are now in Iraq because the US and MNF troops fought them to a standstill whenever Al-Qaeda attempted to take them on. Since March 2003 Al-Qaeda in Iraq have lost over 19,000 men, the majority of whom have fallen to actions by US soldiers. You are now telling us that the US troops had nothing to do with this?? I'd love to see the substatiation for that arguement.

"It's also interesting that Bush has been forced to eat his own words--and the US military is now accepting what Bush--and McCain--said would be a dreadful mistake--a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq."

Is there a timetable for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq Ron?? Care to give us a reference or source? That prick Obama is talking about 16 months but he'd be a complete and utter idiot to hold to that and ignore his commanders on the ground, after all up to now what the hell has Barak Obama ever commanded?