I was taught by my sister in-law who lived and worked in cambridge, worcester and around for twenty years or more, plus a narldy old woman from Boston who was living in hastings UK she tought me to say B-arse-ton! Still Barry I think it is more your comment " Nice song but can't think of what work you could do to it" with a Boston/ Yorkshire accent that actually gets the laugh. Forgive me if it is a miss quote but it was along those lines as I recall! As for P & W you certainly did your stint, perhaps next year we can get in a bit sooner, with the three of us and get to do a bit more. Also it might be better if a "Fringe" were to develop, having said that it seems to be always raining so camping wouldn't be fun. As for the drowning out noise wise we had more trouble from the posers reving motor bikes but hey ho it's a free world. And I endorse Pauls comment, well done Richard and thanks