The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112851 Message #2395083
Posted By: GUEST,D18/J45
22-Jul-08 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Subject: RE: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Ron said: "It is very disturbing to read comments about a "war" that is going on, and "what side are you on". Wars are created by narrow minded bigots with huge egos mixed with a huge insecurity issue. If you wish to create a war, you will. Hopefully the rest of us have moved to a different view of the world and ourselves."
Man, talk about off topic. This is a discussion about why rap sucks or in the case of the tone deaf, musically defend everything, white guilt group who think it doesn't. Not about your holier than thou politics.