The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2395413
Posted By: pdq
22-Jul-08 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
"There was not adequate reason for a US attack on Iraq in 2003."

That decision is above LH's pay grade, as they say in the US Army

Besides, look at a map of Iraq's No-Fly Zones. The northern one was to protect Kurds from more of Saddam's nerve gas attacks. The southern one protected Shiites who despised him. Together the comprise 70% if Iraq's territory.

The No-Fly Zones were under control of the US and it's allies and they were mandated by UN resolution.

No reasonable person can claim that the 2003 use of military force against the Iraqi government was an invasion when we already controlled 70% of the country and had UN mandates to do so.

Kofi Anan is one of the most corrupt people in history. He stole more money in the mis-named Oil For Food program than Yasser Arafat stole from his aid programs. They last thing Kofi Anan wanted was for Saddam to go away. That would have ended his biggest cash cow. What Anan says about the UN authorization is junk. Good thing he was not head of the UN during the other important events in Iraq.