The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8189   Message #2395887
Posted By: GUEST,Bandanaman
23-Jul-08 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Kishmules Galley? / Kishmul's Galley
Subject: RE: factory girls and Kishmules Galley lost lyric
The version I sing is this:

High on the Barra quay
On that day of days
Seaward I gazed
Watching Kishmuls Galley sailing

Bravely against wind and tide
They have brought her to
Neath Kishmuls walls
Kishmuls castle of ancient glory

Homeward she bravely battles
Gainst the hurtling waves
No hoop nor yards
Anchor cable nor tackle has she

Heres red wine and toast to heroes
And harping too
Sweet harping too
Watching Kishmuls galley sailing