The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112851   Message #2396043
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadon
23-Jul-08 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Subject: RE: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
"I will grant people the fact that Rap is a Folk Art, but so is graffiti.

What Rap is not is Folk Music, and anyone who goes to a Folk Music Festival and has to listen to a rapper between Irish folk bands and bluegrass is being abused.

As far as angry? Not really. That would get in the way of putting up a good fight.

This cultural genocide must be fought the same way we fight drugs, street gang violence, air polution or organized crime.

About the intent of this thread, read the initial post. Perhaps those who want an cerebral discussion or with to post their favoirite Rap are invited to start a new thread. "

Speaking of graffiti, first time I was in England, I saw some stunning graffiti outside of one of the rail stations, in Muswell, perhaps, but I don't know exactly where. Graffiti IS an artform, so what if much of it is rubbish? Ezra Pound has to be one of my least favourite poets, utterly miserable stuff, but it's still poetry. Rap is a form of music. Whether or not it's GOOD music, is an entirely different matter. I dislike most of it, personally, but it's still music.

Why isn't it folk music? It's created in the community, it's living, it's vibrant, people sing about their lives and environment, in fact, it's a lot more interactive than you'd normally get at a folk club. Would I rather people listened to something else, yes, but rap is a form of music.

Anyway, here are some folk songs which are very close in subject matter to rap songs.
Cold, Haily, Windy Night- guy tricks girl into sleeping with him, then dumps her and her parents find out, landing her in trouble.
Gentleman Soldier- similar, but worse, girl is knocked up.
Ramblin' Sailor- guy boasts about how he's going to sleep with every girl he can and then leave them.
Lament of the Limerick Rake- last words of someone whose life consisted of sex and drinking.
Greensleeves- guy is upset because a girl rejected him, despite all the expensive stuff he's bought her.
Many, many more.

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as cultural genocide. Culture is not a genus. Sloppy, sensational phrases, eh?

Cerebral discussion? Oh, are you saying that anyone who wants to discuss things intelligently instead of just posting "RAP is crap" ought to find a new thread? Reread the first post, olddude said he didn't like rap, but he wondered if it was folk music.

Can't remember which poster was talking about how modern society is obsessed with glamourised violence, but there's nothing new in that. During the 1700s, highwaymen and pirates were adulated. People collected pictures of, read books and sang about highwaymen and their exploits. Thousands flocked to see them when they were apprehended. The biggest difference is that the confessional aspect, the criminal recounting his misdeeds and cautioning people not to repat them, is missing.

Anyway, here are some interesting links about meykhana, Azerbaijani folk music, which should provide food for thought. (MP3s)