The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112851   Message #2396397
Posted By: M.Ted
23-Jul-08 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Subject: RE: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
We're here, because we are just as entitled to say what we think as you are, PDQ. And personally, I disagree with you. Simple as that.

As to the Old Dude's "right" to keep the thread on a particular point--if that were true, an awful lot of your own posts, over the years, violated the rights of people, but as we know, you had and have a right to say what ever is in your heart, no matter what anyone else happens to think about it.

The price you pay for that is, guess what? We all get to do it, too!

As to Sun Ra, I am surprised that you know enough about him to know what is fair to say about him, and what is not.   You should listen to this, if you don't think that Sun Ra and the Arkestra did rap. Sun Ra--Nuclear War