The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112961   Message #2396430
Posted By: SharonA
23-Jul-08 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: DWS (Driving While Senile)
Subject: RE: BS: DWS (Driving While Senile)
Oh, man, this story keeps getting weirder and weirder....

Novak: All Things Considered, I Screwed Up
Posted Jul 23rd 2008 12:50PM by TMZ Staff (

TMZ just spoke with Robert Novak, and one thing is clear: National Public Radio can be hazardous to pedestrians, especially the one he mowed down in D.C. this morning.

Novak tells us he was listening to "Morning Edition" on NPR in his Corvette when suddenly, "Some guy came up and hit my car with his fist. I figured I had done something that had created road rage, but I didn't know what it was. Then a bicyclist blocked the road in front of me. I asked what the problem was. He said, 'You can't just hit people and run away!'"

Novak says the cops came, put him "briefly" in the back of the police car and asked about what he heard at the time of impact. Novak told them and us that he didn't hear or feel anything. They asked if he had been drinking or on a cellphone. He answered "no" to both.

Novak, who was cited for failing to yield, says he won't fight the ticket, adding, "I assume witnesses are telling the truth."

And we asked him about his comments back in 2001 -- that he hates jaywalkers and thought about running them over. He responded, "I've said a lot of things I shouldn't have said."

As for reports that he's an aggressive driver, he says, "I'm 77 years old. I'm not aggressive anymore."
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Hawwwww!!!!! Not aggressive anymore!! And WHAT would a right-of-the-right columnist be listening to NPR for?!? Ohhh, this is too precious. LSHICSFTT! (Laughing So Hard I Can't See For The Tears!)