The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112750   Message #2396522
Posted By: Micca
24-Jul-08 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Miccas Great Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Miccas Great Adventure
Well, Here I am in Grand Junction, Colorado,after an "interesting" journry!! the train was 55 mins late, and KT Guess what ? it is RAINING!! as we speak, I met alot of interesting folks on the train including a few who were interested/knowlegable about Folk Music, The journey through the Rockies was stunning and I will put some pix up as soon as I can sort them. I have finally met Kat and Rog after 10 years of waiting and planning, we had dinner together, more tomorrow, it is now 10.15 0n a day that started at 5am!!!