The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112882   Message #2397317
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
25-Jul-08 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Veggie Gardenin'...
Subject: RE: BS: Veggie Gardenin'...
Relatively speaking I have a tiny little garden, though there are "annex" plots all over the yard with other stuff. This is the one that neighbors poke through and tonight a four-year-old girl came to visit and enjoyed looking at eggplant ("Can I touch it?") and picking tomatoes ("Look what I got, grandma!" when she ran back next door). I love watching children go through that discovery process, and it is so easy to give pleasure when all it entails is picking a few small tomatoes and patting a purple globe hidden under large leaves. I did alert her grandmother to the one biology question that came up. My dog rolled over to have her tummy rubbed and Audrey wanted to know how I knew she was a girl.

"That's the vagina, and that's what girl dogs look like." I don't have a male dog for comparison, but I'm sure someone at home will think of a way to make the contrast. They used to have a Boston Terrier who came to stay on some weekends, and someone can remind her that he used to lift his leg. Her mother is apparently pretty forthcoming on the science information in the household, so I don't think there were any shocks at home this evening. :)

Makes one feel rather subversive, though, actually teaching a little biology in the vegetable garden.