The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22210   Message #239778
Posted By: Callie
08-Jun-00 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sick and Tired...
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
I'm lucky. The woman who lives downastairs has told me she loves it when I practice saxophone (even when It's scales and long notes - weird, huh?) and sometimes even shouts up requests.

My parents and siblings couldn't and can't stand me playing the piano - coz I don't play very well. I used to spend hours at it, working out harmonies and fiddly bits. Our favourite family joke is me sitting at the piano and shouting out "any requests?" to which the answer is always "yeh - shut up!"

My sisters used to hate me singing harmonies with the radio. However, my persistence paid off as I'm now in a vocal trio. My sisters have gracefully admitted defeat (plus I don't live with them any more so they don't have to hear me)
