The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112882   Message #2398071
Posted By: Bobert
25-Jul-08 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Veggie Gardenin'...
Subject: RE: BS: Veggie Gardenin'...
Everything you want to know about moles (voles)...

Ummmmmm, moles are big... Like 6 inches long... They have front feet that look like paddles... They make tunnels... They eat grubs... They have no interest in yer potatoes or yer hostas but...

They do the hard work if diggin' tunnels and then voles move into those tunnels and take up residence... Vole are like mice but thay aren't... They have a much shorter tail... They love anything that you have planted... Yes, they will get into yer potatoes... They will also eat the roots of hostas and other beding plants...

There are lots of things you can do but nothing is 100%:

1. Plant yer ornimentals in "Permitil" which is like a gravelly stuff that moles and voles don't like digging thru...

2. Plant yer ornimentals in plastic pots with wire mesh inside... That will keep the sunamiches out...

3. Get cats...

4. Put mice traps with peanut butter for bail over holes with palstic pot over it so that kitties don't get zapped... Put rock on top of pot to keep kittie from gettin in there...

5. Put down "Grub-X" on yer lawn... This kills the moles food source and if he ain't happy then the voles won't be either...

6. Then, of course, there are various poisons, ehich we don't use ot reccommened...

The end...
