The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2398738
Posted By: Riginslinger
27-Jul-08 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
"If the '29 crash was like a man jumping from the window of a 30-story skyscraper, the current crash is more like a drunk falling down the stairs of that same skyscraper one flight at a time. He'll fall down a flight, get up, dust himself off, take a few deep breaths, and fall down another flight. Eventually, he'll wind up in the same spot as the guy who jumped. It's just going to take a lot longer. The good news is that he might sober up along the way."

             Bee-dubya-ell - I think you've described it pretty well. What it seems to me that you haven't taken into account is, this is a situation that has been going on for some time now. And I hate to be the one to bring bad news, but there's just as good a chance that he'll break his neck and die as sober up along the way.