The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22210   Message #239897
Posted By: Steve Latimer
08-Jun-00 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sick and Tired...
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...

I loved your suggestion. LOL

My younger brother has been a Night owl all his life. I remember trying to sleep while he was working on becoming the next Gene Krupa. He has actually turned into a fine drummer despite my jumping out of bed and running downstairs threatening his life on a nightly basis. I can't believe my mother didn't throttle us both, but her support of all of us and our various endeavours approached saintly.

Wednesday my eight year old son came home from school with a recorder. He had his first music class that day, so he is having some trouble, but there is no way I'll ever discourage him from practising.

My daughter was with me in a music store last year and saw the recorders. She asked if she could get one. I replied that she could on two conditions. First, that she would practise with it and not just throw it in a corner of her room. She agreed. The second condition was that it could not lead to Bagpipe playing.