The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31398   Message #2399075
Posted By: George Seto -
27-Jul-08 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: Help: 'Sol Fa' Music Notation
Subject: RE: Help: 'Sol Fa' Music Notation
Dug out this reference material from one of the old links:

The idea of the notation is as follows: the 11 notes each have a
name of 1 or two letters. The seven that occur in a major scale
are d r m f s l t as you might expect. The note a semitone above
l is called ta (and the rest aren't used in these tunes). [nb d
is not the keynote, as these are not in major mode; it would be
if they were]. The pitch of d is given. Bar lines are used. Each
major stress is indicated by ":", so in 3/4 time a bar will have
the pattern | : : |. In 4/4 it's | : |, in 2/4 it's | |.
"-" denotes a rest. A note or rest lasts one unit if followed by
another note or rest, 1.5 if followed by a dot, 0.5 if followed
by a comma, 1.75 if followed by ., or up to the next major
stress if followed by a colon or bar line, but . and , steal (or give)
time from the following note (so "r .,m" indicates a crotchet
with two dots followed by a semiquaver). Ties/slurs are indicated by
underlining. An appogiatura is written superscript normally, but
sometimes is indicated by brackets (which I will use). A change
of octave is indicated by a subscript 1 (for below d) or
superscript 1 (for above t) - I will just use * to indicate the
octave below d. (There's lots more to it, and some of the
forgoing will mislead you if you get into anything at all
complicated, but that description is adequate for these tunes.)
(I've written words under one line only).
first tune: (d = G natural, time 4/4)