The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112851   Message #2399184
Posted By: Barry Finn
28-Jul-08 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Subject: RE: What is Folk? Is RAP the NEw Folk?
Ron, I'm not confusing "folk music" with or "folk song" neither do I confuse folk communities because of the places they dwell or the skin color of the dwellers. But I do ask if someone can site where these communities keep their "Rap" alive & just what is the process they the do this? Is it the corner Barber shop, or the local Juke Joint, is it sung on the street coner under a lamp post in 4 part harmony or at parties in the kitchen? Is it actually alive in the community or is it just visible as a commerical enterprise in a juke box or on stage? Pleas explain how this community has taken this folk form on, processed it, honed it down swapped it aroung & passed it on? I didn't see this happen when I was growing up in the same communities where I 1st encountered "Rap" but I do conceid that I was there only in it very eary stages & didn't have a chance to be witness to Rap's folk process.
