The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2399456
Posted By: Amos
28-Jul-08 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama

What I asked for was specifics instead of blind opinionation about his arrogance and so on. It is cheap and easy to throw arouond huge adjectives--I'm an expert at it!--buit it does not support a reasoned comparison of viewpoints.

I listened,for example to the Berlin speech and found it was a fine example of statesmanship, addressing common roots and common cause witht he people of Europe and giving them hope for a rational, dynamic mutual commitment with America for a better future. This is so different than Mister Bush's classic approach that it musthave come as a great refreshing change tot he Europeans. He wa snot being arrogant --and this is evident in the response he got. The Germans know when they are being spoken down to, I'm sure. Buty they also knwo when someone is speaking coherently and intelligently and with an appreciation ofhistory. Perhaps this is what strikes you as arrogant? To his audience, it seemed to qualify him all the more to speak to them.

All this emotional arm-waving couched in spiteful generalizations does not make us understand each other any better. I woudl like to know specifically on what you base your accusations of arrogance, if there are specifics. Because I dn't see what you keep pointing at.