The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113083   Message #2399472
Posted By: Mark Dowding
28-Jul-08 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: Manchester Cotton Industry Project
Subject: Manchester Cotton Industry Project
On Sunday August 10th 2008 at John Ryland's library on Deansgate in Manchester from 3-00 to 4-30pm, Chris Harvey and myself will be taking part in a project about the cotton industry in Manchester from the early days up to post war and its decline. The talk has been written by Samantha Franks of the University of Manchester and will be read by my partner Maggi whom some of you will know.
Samantha contacted me at an early stage to enquire about the songs she could incorporate and Chris and myself suggested a number of suitable songs from the Manchester Ballads collection and some of the songs sung by Harry Boardman.

Entry for the free event is by ticket which can be obtained by ringing 0161 305 0555. The event is rapidly becoming full so if you want to come along then please ring sooner rather than later!

Hopefully see some of you there.
