The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22197   Message #239956
Posted By: Fiddlin' Big Al
08-Jun-00 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Bad Neighbors
Subject: RE: Bad Neighbors
I moved to a small town in eastern WA about 8 years ago. Got elected to town council in self defense. Yes, neighbors can be a pain. Most of the time ordinances are selectively enforced. There may be scads of rules we're all violating and nothing is said unless someone complains. Contact your city council person and question the actions of the zoning officer. Most of the time the squeeky wheel of a complaining neighbor gets greased by some action like the visit you rec'd from the zoning zombie. It is amazing how far past the letter of the rules they will twist things in order to respond to a complaint. They may back down and admit you have a right to park or they may retaliate with more BS. It helps if you are not vulnerable on any other fronts. In any case, keep a record of names and dates and everything that is said to you by officials on the subject. If possible speak to them only in front of witnesses. This may seem paranoid, but it is not. Smile and be reasonable and nice but insistent on seeing chapter and verse on rules they attempt to enforce. Good luck. Remember all these people work for you if you pay taxes. Put up a fence and paint it flourescent orange on the neighbors' side if all else fails .