The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2399981
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
28-Jul-08 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama

You sure are getting tight lipped when it comes to 'splanin' things you say. Could it be that you just like to repeat things but you don't really want to discuss them in detail? Hell I know parrots that can do that. You have to be way smarter that anybody. Quit holding out on us.

What critic of the Bush administration wrote this? You do know don't you?

"I find it ironic that he is emulating the worst mistake of the Bush administration by waving the "Mission Accomplished" banner prematurely."

And to the Guest: What is my grade level? And please disclose yours.

Can you come up with the words you claim negates the words I "selected" or not?