The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112963   Message #2400050
Posted By: SharonA
28-Jul-08 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
Charley says: "I'm utterly convinced that Novak doesn't have a clue what he did. He would be the first to express amazement of what he has left in his wake."

Why? Six years ago he expressed a hatred for jaywalkers and a desire to run them over. I don't suppose he had the tumor that long.

According to reports he has a long-standing reputation as an aggressive driver. Hitting-and-running is one of the things aggressive drivers do. Note that when the bicyclist stopped Novak as he was driving away, Novak said to the bicyclist, "I didn't see him [the pedestrian]." Not "I didn't hit anybody." I find that very telling. Sounds to me as if he knew what he'd done but was fishing for excuses because he'd been caught at it. Remember too that Novak was trying to get away from the bicyclist and to continue driving away (i.e. escaping and intending to hide the evidence of damage to his car) -- again a thing that aggressive drivers do.

I'm very sorry to hear that Novak has a brain tumor, as I would be very sorry to hear that anybody else did. However, I will wait to hear more about his medical condition and type of tumor before I'm "convinced" that it affected his judgment that day or that it rendered him unable to see the man on his windshield.