The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2401237
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
30-Jul-08 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
It is obvious that you can't see anything outside of the scope of your hate Bush agenda. You post articles about how illegal and unconstitutional the GWB administration renditions are when in fact they are a legacy from previous administrations.

Did GWB campaign on a policy of ending rendition? Did anyone ask him if he would stop rendition? No, he just carried on the customs of previous administrations. If rendition was so wrong then, where was huge public outcry back then? To pretend that the QWB administration is responsible for these things is a red herring, a straw man ploy or scapegoating.

You don't even read the articles you post and ponder their sincerity. That way you can say anybody that disagrees is wrong due to your knowledge and experience while at the same time feigning ignorance of any details by saying you are just repeating what someone else said.

Then, when criticized, you think by belligerently repeating what somone else said several times that you are "overruling" the objection. Quantity does not make up for a lack of quality.

You yourself were in favor of wiretapping when you advocated "spiking their cellphones".

Now you can heap some verbal abuse on me, maybe attack my spelling or sentence structure and post more articles adhering to your agenda to try to obliviate my analysis of your postings.