The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112991   Message #2401696
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
30-Jul-08 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: In Praise of Chuck Brodsky
Subject: RE: In Praise of Chuck Brodsky
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pleaseing personalities and songwriting skills can be mutually exclusive. Two of my musical heros are Lead Belly and Loudon Wainwright III. Lead Belly obviously had a dark side. He may have been framed on one prison term, but was clearly guilty on his second term. He also wasn't very pleasant by many accounts when he drank heavily. I do not know Loudon from off the stage, but his songs do not describe a person I would like to know.

I, too, like Chuck Brodsky's music. I am not ready to crown him as the king of songwriters however.   I know nothing about him personally except that he clearly likes baseball.

Roger in Baltimore