The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112991   Message #2401814
Posted By: Bill H //\\
30-Jul-08 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: In Praise of Chuck Brodsky
Subject: RE: In Praise of Chuck Brodsky
Point well taken re: Blow Em Away.   I relate it to the misunderstanding regarding the New Yorker cover about the Obamas. While I felt it satirical many did not.

Satire is a tricky thing. The New Yorker, probably, should have put it in the middle of the issue with a caption. Brodsky's piece has not intro or outro and therefore--to me---just seems mean spirited and encourages the actions he sings of. Think back a while to a film w/ Michael Douglas --name eludes me---on the same subject--terribly violent and ending with a great tragedy. This song --to me---showed no humour or satire.