The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2402191
Posted By: Teribus
31-Jul-08 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
"Iraq was being contained." - JTS

Was it?? In what way?? Exactly how was it being contained?? Again I ask you what would Saddam's reaction have been to Iran's nuclear programme??

"Al Qaeda was the real enemy" - JTS

Al-Qaeda was, and still is one "real enemy" amongst a number of others, but it was not adjudged, via evaluation and analysis, to be the greatest threat. Could you explain to us Jack The Sailor, exactly what the security benefit would have been to the USA in single-mindedly pursuing one of your enemies, while completely ignoring the greatest threat to your country? List for us Jack The Sailor the things we would not have a clue about if the US had not called the UN to take action against Iraq in 2002 and had not gone into Iraq in March 2003 when it became patently obvious that the UN was going to do nothing to enforce compliance on Resolution 1441?

"Afghanistan was and is the central front in the war on terrorism." - JTS.

Is it?? Care to tell us how and why?? Bin Laden, his second in command and Mullah Omar get captured tomorrow, the Taleban throw in the towel immediately on hearing the news, do you think that that would be the end of it?? Are you really that naive??

Note that you have responded to none of the points put to you Ron.

"Congratulations on your 20/20 hindsight-- 'backlash obvious'"

Surge happened when Ron? - Answer (cos Ron doesn't like answering questions) Spring through Summer of 2007 - TRUE?

Dialogue opened with Arab Sunni leaders - When did that happen Ron? - Answer (cos Ron doesn't like answering questions) After democratic election of Iraqi Government, throughout the Summer 2006 - TRUE?

My prediction of a backlash against the terrorists by the Iraqi people was made on 6th July 2004. Ron, I take it that you do know what the term "hindsight" means don't you??