The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113160   Message #2402415
Posted By: r.padgett
31-Jul-08 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: If you see Sid tell him . . .
Subject: RE: BS: If you see Sid tell him . . .
Yes I totally agree

Privatisation of gas in Uk totally unnecessary as with elecricity

A Conservative con job to raise finance for a Conservative government to opt out of their responsibilities

Shares in national ultilities ridiculous, shares for the common man no no no a total gamble

Renationalise gas and electric and make government responsible and let them hang!! ~ no above inflation rises needed when industries make billions on the backs of hard up people

A State funeral for Maggie Thatcher I am furious!!

the miners of GB are still rattled by her comments that they are the "Enemy within" when in fact the people of GB are now the people without and are the ones with their hearts in the right place

She has never know Community and worked only for the well offs!
