The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113160   Message #2402894
Posted By: Stu
01-Aug-08 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: If you see Sid tell him . . .
Subject: RE: BS: If you see Sid tell him . . .
Don T: I was too young to remember the details of political life in the Heath/Wilson years (I remember the Leyland strikes well - we lived a few miles away from the Solihull plant), but along with millions of others I suffered the direct consequences of the tidal wave of misery Thatcher inflicted on the country.

What we are seeing now is the inevitable consequence of the dogged pursuit of unregulated capitalism when mixed with privatisation of national assets: the poor will suffer more and more and until there is some sort of state intervention that's what will happen. Of course, the Thatcherite adherents in New Labour have made matters worse by not cutting the link between gas and oil prices, but let's not forget we are dealing with the consequences of the privatisation of British Gas in the 1980's.

To paraphrase Jeremy Hardy, her grave will become the biggest latrine in the country.