The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2403298
Posted By: Amos
01-Aug-08 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration

I assume that was you purloining my login and disguising yourself as a Guest.

1. The important difference between the Vietnam War, which you loosely call JFK's, and Bush's war is that this one is happening now, and is an illegal excursion, pre-emptive and optional.

2. Cngress voted under false information provided by the Rove machine. They were lured into the vote by false PR. That is a criminal abuse of office.

3. Bush's 27% is the lowest f any President in history. FUrthermore I have no interest in who approves of which criminal.

4. This thread is focused on the Bush Administration. There are plenty of other threads complaining about Congress.

5. Which fact are you thinking of? Let's be specific.

6. I never refused to admit any such thing. I rejec ted those assertions on the grounds that it in no way lessens a crime just because someone once committed a similar crime at an earlier time. The very idea is idiotic.

7. Sorry my humor didn't appeal to you, but it was not incoherent, which you should learn to spell, merely sarcastic.

8. I attack "questioners" when they resort to really dumb or really invidious arguments instead of discussing facts and issues.

9. You claim to have found a quote of mine, but have given no context for it, so I really don't know what you are carrying on about. Did you actually read the thread in which you believe I advocated such things? You may need to have your irony filter re-tuned.