The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2403410
Posted By: Amos
01-Aug-08 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"I think the country is so much harder on Obama than on any other candidate in recent memory. Occasionally he is lambasted for being a shrewd politician. He is skewered for being well-dressed, well-spoken, and being highly educated. He is condemned for being rational and cool-headed. These are criticisms? I guess what America is really looking for is a big, poorly-dressed, hot-headed white guy who doesn't finish his sentences and couldn't graduate from a junior college even if his Daddy owned it. See, I thought we already had that guy for President. So I'm confused. Enlighten me, America. I don't get it.

And here's the really bad part: It will be SOOOO hard for me to move to Canada this fall. I still can't sell the house I left in Indiana last year to move to Michigan, and now the house in Michigan isn't going to sell either. (Seriously, Michigan? It will be here twenty years from now with a 'For Sale' sign in the yard, ESPECIALLY if we have another Republican President). I've been to Toronto, and it's a wonderful, wonderful city, but it's damned expensive.

Bill and I will have to live in a basement efficiency apartment 45 minutes out. Where will our dog live? Where will we work? We'll be dishing up pasties at some roadside stand and living off the leftovers.

It won't be pretty.

So please, please don't let McNasty win. And if you have some compelling reason for national self-destruction, or some flash of insight into why Americans aren't leaning 90/10 toward a Democratic administration in 2008, do explain.

Like Obama, I'm all ears."

pgrundy at "Hubs".