The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113216   Message #2403765
Posted By: Anne Lister
02-Aug-08 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Have I hit the big time?
Subject: RE: Have I hit the big time?
Golly, John, I'd never thought they might expect me to pay THEM $300,000! But maybe you're right - ah, well, in that case the whole deal's off.
Yes, I was puzzled by the inconsistency between the email address and their claims to be a US company (which doesn't seem to have a web presence) and yes, Judy, I expect the Queen would be surprised at her billing. I wonder how much she's paying them? Surely more than $300,000 for such an opportunity?
The New Otani hotel has apparently been renamed, so I'm not sure Mike Gary has his finger on the pulse.

My life here seems so dull now. *sigh*
