The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2404023
Posted By: Bobert
02-Aug-08 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Ahhhhh, let me ask you a question, Kent...

If I came into your business, or to your home, and demanded that you pay me not to mess you or your family up and you agreed to do so, would you consider that an success???

Well, I quess that you will have succeeded, thru your prompt payments, in protecting yourself and your family but I don't see the success in this... Paying Sunni's not to kill US is no more opf a success than you paying the Mob not to mess you up...

This is what has happened...

Lets get real here for one minute... "The Surge" didn't represent the highest troop levels in Iraq since the invasion???

Hmmmmmmm??? What does that mean??? Maybe that it wasn;t the troop levels at all that has created less violence but a combination of Iraqi politics, protection money, the Sunnis havin' has ebough of al-qeada and alot ofother things that we may not know for years... But one thing is for sure, inreased troop levels didn't work before "The Surge" so "The Surge" of troops can't be given credit for the decrease in violence on the ground...

"The Surge" of my tax dollars going to Sunnis??? Maybe...
