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Thread #113228   Message #2404070
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Aug-08 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Well, here is a very interesting radio interview with Ed Mitchell, an Apollo astronaut who walked on the moon for 9 hours on the Apollo 14 mission. He discloses information about alien visitations to the Earth in about the last 60 years, the crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, the resultant coverup at the highest government levels, and the present fairly strong indications that the USA and UK governments may be moving cautiously toward full disclosure. A number of other governments such as Mexico, Brazil, France, and Belgium, for example, have already made such disclosure of their certain knowledge of alien visitations to this planet.

As I say, it's very interesting. And very calm, sensible, and straightforward in presentation. Check the link:

Astronaut discusses history of alien contacts

Now, this won't budge the professional skeptic one iota. Oh, no. ;-) Nothing...short of full disclosure and a complete public admission by the ENTIRE ever-lovin' government and mass media of the USA can ever budge the professional skeptic, because he would rather do anything than change his established opinion...he'd rather die...but...shrug! Who cares? What difference will it make in the end?

I am pleased that some national governments have been honest enough to make disclosure of their knowledge regarding alien visits. I am pleased that Ed Mitchell has spoken publicly on the matter. Good stuff. This is real progress, and it's good to see.

One more step on a long, long journey...and a bigger step in its implications than that first step on the Moon, in my opinion.